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Four Crucial Insights to Help Writers Create Better Characters Jul 28, 2022

As writers, we know that the most important part of any story is character. At the end of the day, our readers won’t care about the plot or about how cleverly your story is executed if they...

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Two Simple Techniques to Undermine the Readersā€™ Expectations and Keep Them Emotionally Hooked Jun 29, 2022

The essence of story is that the plot unfolds because of the choices a character makes under pressure to achieve a particular goal. Without a primary objective, there is no story, because...

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Four Essential Truths to Help Writers Reveal True Character in Story Apr 23, 2022

A client called me recently because she couldn't figure out how to reveal to her audience who her character really was at heart. This is one of the most important things we must do as storytellers....

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5 Keys to Keeping Your Main Character Active and Not Passive Mar 26, 2022

One of the most important rules of story is that your main character must drive the action of the story. He cannot be passive. When you have a passive character, it means that things are happening...

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