Ep. 52. Author Jennifer Dornbush on Forensics, Story Structure & Character Arc

Season #3

Jennifer Dornbush talks forensics, story structure and character arc. If you are writing crime stories or not, there are several applicable tools and tips in this interview.

Jennifer is a screenwriter, author, international speaker, and forensic specialist. Raised as the daughter of a medical examiner whose office was in their home; forensics and crime writing are infused into her DNA. Jennifer penned suspense thriller HOLE IN THE WOODS; historical crime fiction THE LOCARD PRINCIPLE; true crime memoir, RAISED BY THE ICE MAN; on-going mystery series THE CORONER'S DAUGHTER, and contributes to mystery anthologies. She also created the acclaimed crime writerā€™s guide FORENSIC SPEAK. As a screenwriter Jennifer has optioned, sold, developed, and adapted material for film and television. She is a sought-out international teacher, speaker, and mentor. www.jenniferdornbush.com


Check out book three in The Coroner's Daughter Series: LAST ONE ALIVE