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Add the Hollywood Storytelling Tools Conference Workshop Series to Your Order!

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This conference series features the most popular classes Zena teaches at writers' conferences across the country. It includes introductory presentations on story structure, character development, visual imagery, set-ups and pay-offs, and more.

It's the perfect complement to Formatting as an Artform, and it’s yours today for ONLY $99! (That's $400 OFF the regular price!)

Formatting as an Artform

This comprehensive course is designed to help you master industry-standard screenplay formatting and execute your script like a pro.

How to Purchase This Course

The course is divided into modules, each consisting of multiple video lessons taught by Zena Dell Lowe. All videos and course materials are available immediately upon purchase. After completing your purchase, you will be prompted to create a login and password to access the course. You can set your own pace and log in as often as you like.

In addition to the modules, the course employs a 3-pronged learning approach to maximize retention. For more details, see the section: "How to Get the Most Out of This Class."

Please Note: This class frequently uses excerpts from professionally written scripts. While every effort has been made to choose scripts that best illustrate the principles being taught, some excerpts may come from R-rated films.

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Keep reading to learn more.

Why Formatting is Important

Did you know the number one reason screenplays get rejected in Hollywood is improper formatting? Formatting errors signal to readers that you're an amateur, and your script may never get read—it goes straight to the trash.

Contrary to common belief, screenplays should not be dry, perfunctory, or purely technical. The best screenplays are beautifully written, exciting works of art—every bit as riveting as your favorite novel.

This course will teach you not only how to master the technical components of industry-standard formatting but also how to use formatting artistically.

What You'll Get:

  • Proficiency in industry-standard formatting for screenwriting
  • Artistic techniques to maximize the possibilities of the medium
  • Increased confidence in presenting your work to industry professionals
  • Tools to get the attention of Hollywood execs and make sure your script stands out

If you want to master the craft, this class will help elevate your career to the next level.

How to Get the Most Out of This Class

We'll use a 3-pronged learning approach to maximize your overall learning experience:

  1. Instruction: Watch the video lessons and absorb the instruction.
  2. Practice: Hone your skills through assigned writing exercises and prompts.
  3. Peer Learning: Learn from others by reading produced scripts and participating in "Designated Student" sessions.

This approach aims to inspire you to acquire the skills and techniques of the greats while learning from the mistakes of peers who have graciously allowed us to analyze their first attempts.

Screenwriting is challenging, even for seasoned novelists. It's okay to make mistakes—it's essential! Embrace the learning curve to become a master of the craft.

About Reading Screenplays

Reading well-written screenplays is one of the fastest and most effective ways to learn. I encourage you to read at least one professionally written screenplay per module. You'll have more than one option whenever it's time to choose. Take advantage of this learning season by reading as many well-written scripts as possible.

Special Thanks to My Designated Students

This class includes "Designated Students" for additional instruction. A Designated Student is someone who has agreed to let me use video recordings from real-life coaching sessions to help you better understand the principles being taught.

You'll also watch "Case Study" lessons, where I'll walk you through a Designated Student's script to point out common formatting mistakes. Look out for these exciting sessions made possible by our brave and wonderful volunteers. Their contributions are a genuine gift to us all. All hail my Designated Students!

What People Are Saying:

Zena Dell Lowe captivates her audience. She brings home her teaching points with effective examples, story descriptions, and script excerpts. In listening to and watching Zena’s presentations, I could picture and understand what I need to do to enliven my stories. Her passion for teaching instilled in me a new excitement to become a better writer.

Zoe M. McCarthy

Zena gave me my first ever exposure to screenwriting and I couldn’t have asked for a better foundation! I’ve now been working in Hollywood for several years and everything Zena taught me continues to serve me well.

Isaiah Smallman

I spent two years working on my MFA in script writing at Regent University. I left feeling like I had learned absolutely nothing. I met Zena during my final project in December of 2018, and what I was supposed to learn in the two years I was enrolled at Regent, Zena was capable of teaching me in less than two hours. Regent needs to give Zena my tuition because she did their job for them.

L. Danuta

Zena taught me all the foundational elements of how to write a professional script, and everything I've learned since has been built upon the solid foundation she laid. Her insightful and inspiring point of view continues to guide how I write. Because of her, I was a 2016 Final Draft Big Break Finalist and Winner of the Family Category.

Matt Katzenberger

I took a college screenwriting course with Zena and found it an invaluable introduction to the craft of screenwriting, storytelling, and film. She expertly explained the mechanics behind plot, arcs, characters, story beats, symbols, and the basic building blocks of crafting a great screenplay. I still think about what I learned in her class when I watch movies and write scripts.

Luke Mosher

I had the privilege of meeting Zena in December of 2018 as my creative advisor for my final portfolio for my MFA in Script and Screenwriting. She taught me in a month what most people take years to try and teach someone about storytelling and script writing.

Gabriella Rodriguez

Zena’s heart and passion to see lives transformed through the power of visual storytelling is an indelible gift. She is a true master of her craft. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to participate with such a high-caliber professional. Her content was exceptional. I'm grateful for her intentional efforts to cultivate vision and value in the lives of her clients.

Johnny Rogers

I managed a Film Library for McGraw-Hill and also taught film grammar, scripting, and other film related classes, and as a former Conference Director, I believe I am qualified to recommend Zena Dell Lowe as a knowledgeable, inspiring, and talented instructor.

Harry Bohrs